Want To Install New Windows? 3 Reasons To Prioritize Second-Story Windows

Posted on: 29 April 2020

Being a homeowner is exciting because you have an opportunity to change and improve your home whenever you or your family want something better, different, or new. If you enjoy having windows around the house, you may find that you want to install even more of them.

While living in a multistory home, you will need to make the decision to add new windows on the bottom floor, top floor, or both floors. Although you can benefit from any window in several ways, you should consider prioritizing window installation on the second story for key reasons.


An excellent reason to get several new windows upstairs is that you can get an incredible view when compared to first-floor windows. While you can handle this process in a strategical way so that you always get a desirable view, you will find that the potential is greater with upper floor windows because you will not have to worry as much about your view being obstructed.

In addition to avoiding obstructions, you can look forward to second-story windows providing better views because of their height over first-floor windows. This allows you to see further out than you could from the bottom floor, which opens up the opportunity for more impressive views.


If you install several extra windows on the first floor, you could make it rather challenging to enjoy privacy while also keeping the windows open. While you can always use blinds or curtains to get the privacy that you desire, your family may like the idea of being able to open the windows and keep them that way without having to give up much or any privacy in the process.

A great way to determine the kind of privacy that you can expect with a second-story window is to open your existing windows and then go outside and look at them. In most cases, a pedestrian or driver will only be able to see someone in the house if they are close to the window. This is better than a first-floor window that exposes everything inside when the windows are open.

Natural Lighting

While you may find that you are content with how much natural light you get throughout the house, you may want to bring in even more. Although a first-floor window can provide a boost in natural lighting, you will likely find it easier to get the sunlight that you want on the second story.

The height is an advantage because simple things such as awnings, gutters, bushes, trees, and neighboring homes can block how much natural light a first-floor window receives.

Prioritizing window installation on the second story is a reliable way to get superb results.

For more information, contact a residential window installation service.


Learning About Residential Windows

Hey there, my name is Deena Orson. Welcome to my site about windows. As the mother of four boys, I have seen my fair share of broken windows, both in our family home and, unfortunately, throughout the neighborhood. As a result, I have a good working relationship with window manufacturers and installers in our area. I have learned all about double and triple paned window systems. I would like to use this site to explore the window manufacturing and installation process in more detail. I will also discuss technological advancements in this industry as they are developed. Please visit my site often to learn more.